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Sister grove regional water resource recovery

Water Treatment
WE accumulate experience of more than 500 water infrastructures projects worldwide.

The Sister Grove Regional Water Resource Recovery Facility is under construction in Texas (USA). After a thorough evaluation to identify a suitable location for the facility in 2016 and 2017, NTMWD (North Texas), Inc. location for the facility in 2016 and 2017, NTMWD (North Texas Municipal Water District) purchased 1,000 acres of land approximately 1.1 miles east and 0.17 miles south of the intersection of FM 2933 and County Road 336.

The North Texas Municipal Water District provides wastewater treatment services to 1.3 million residents in 24 communities in the North Texas region.

NTMWD has designed the new Sister Grove facility to visually integrate into the local community using landscaping and berming to screen various aspects and, for those structures that are more visible, to design an architectural that is compatible with the community’s environment. NTMWD has also designed to mitigate and minimize local impacts due to odor, noise or light from the facility.

In this project Alsina has provided the main formwork systems for this type of works: Alisply Circular and C160 Climbing System.

The project has 4 main structures:

Solids: for which Alsina USA provided the formwork systems Alisply Circular, for the circular walls C240 Climbing platforms as a climbing system, Alisply Manual for the foundation slabs, and Alisply Walls for the regular walls.

Headworks: for this structure Alsina USA provided Alsiply Walls for the wall formwork, Alisply Universal for the columns and Aluflex for the roofing system.

Tertiary filters: in this structure Alisply Walls formwork systems were used for the walls and Aluflex for the roof.

Outfall: Alisply Walls wall formwork system will be used for this structure in the future.



Project Details
North Texas, USA
Water Treatment
Alisply Circular, C240 Climbing, Alisply Manual, Alisply Walls, Alisply Universal, Aluflex



Clear Filters
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Waste Treatment Plant

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