The association of formwork and shuttering manufacturers (AFECI) and the association of independent building structure consultants (ACIES) organize the Building Structures Forum 2019, an event dedicated to the activities related to the guilds of both entities, which will be held on December 12 at the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (IETCC) in Madrid.
This year’s edition intends to take a step forward regarding the previous technical conferences and forums organized by AFECI, with a conferences program that includes the topics of interest on the areas related to building consultancy and formwork and shuttering.
Besides addressing the members of the two entities, The Building Structures Forum 2019 is also addressed to developers, architects, surveyors and engineers so they can share knowledge about the challenges of these building-related guilds.
Although the event is free for all attendees, because the limited registration space it will be by invitation only.
It is worth mentioning that this year the organization offers several sponsorship packages to increase the visibility of the companies related to these guilds so that they can strengthen their brand image and establish direct contact with professionals in the sector. These marketing opportunities are not only open to AFECI and ACIES member companies, but also to companies involved in the consulting of building structures or formwork and shuttering.