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Alsina in Touch: In direct contact with the jobsite


Alsina In Touch is a project within the Alsina Tech digital innovation range of projects, from Alsina Group. It brings us closer to customer construction projects, suppliers and warehouses without the group’s specialists having to travel.

It aims to provide immediate site support using virtual reality glasses that fit into a hard hat. Alsina In Touch software features:

  • Real time: Instantaneous live support
  • Red dot: Live instructions with a red dot
  • Notes: Text and marks on construction photos
  • Documents: Sending images, plans, videos, etc.
  • Multi-platform: Support for cell phones, tablets, and glasses
  • Zoom: Focus on details
  • Remote desktop: Share screens and content remotely

Thanks to this technology, we can save on construction costs by reducing work stoppages with quicker access to assistance. Moreover, it can log calls and solutions to problems.

Alsina In Touch can be used in industrial settings that are humid, dusty, hot, dangerous, and noisy. It is a fully resistant device that fits into a hard hat and can be worn with glasses or safety goggles. The high-resolution microscreen is adjusted to fall just below your line of sight and appears as a 7” tablet.

It operates fully hands-free through voice control. That means there’s no need to move, swipe, or touch, just give simple voice commands. And, its great battery life means it can be used for up to 8 hours anywhere that has cell service, because it has a built-in SIM card.


Want to learn more about Alsina In Touch?

Ask your sales agent and we’ll explain how we can implement it at your construction site!