First training course in Installation of Collective Protections
The Catalonia Labor Construction Organization offers for the first time a training course in collective protections in its Badalona center
The Catalonia Labor Construction Organization, in collaboration with some of the most representative companies in the sector of collective protections, such as SIP by Alsina and Gravity, has led the development of a training action related to collective protections both in the design phase, delivery and collaboration in the future insertion jointly with companies devoted to the installation of collective protections.
The purpose of this training action is to train a group of young people so that they may enter the labor market within the framework of collective protections.
The current professional training system does not include a specific training for such supplementary activity of the construction sector. Thus, as it is a trending craft and with high levels of employability and a need for generational turnover, the entity in Catalonia has designed jointly with these companies this training action, due to the need of incorporation of young people trained in collective protections.
The training action for Installation of Collective Protections includes 156 hours of theoretical-practical training and kicked off last November 12 with a scheduled completion on next December 20th, 2018 and it is being held at the training Center of Badalona.
This training has a first training phase of transversal training in labor-related risk prevention with a Basic Level of Prevention of 60 hours plus 6 hours in Labor-related Risk Prevention for installation of collective protections. It has a second phase of specific training lasting 90 hours distributed in 12 hours of training in Personal Mobile Elevating Platforms PEMP, 10 hours of works in height and the other 68 hour of practical training for workers installing collective protections (lifelines, nets, gallow-type safety nets, fences, etc.)
This training is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona is framed within the PICE program (Comprehensive Qualification and Employment Program), with participation of workers from Youth Guarantee (people below 30 who are not currently studying or working).