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Alsina organizes its greatest solidarity challenge with the company collaborators and issues a check to contribute to different solidarity causes


Alsina group has organized the biggest internal solidarity challenge so far. The objective is twofold, on the one hand to encourage physical activity and, on the other hand, to give financial support to some charity causes.


What did the challenge consist of?

The challenge consisted of walking a distance of 30,000 km among all the members of Alsina around the world. It is worth highlighting that 150 Alsina colleagues have participated, reaching a total amount of 33,000 Km!!!


Every challenge deserves an award

To encourage participation, two types of awards were given. On the one hand, three winners at an individual level.  With the help of a mobile application, the steps of all participants were monitored. The 3 finalists received a physical activity bracelet as a reward.

On the other hand, three winners at a collective level: with the help of the same mobile application, the steps of the participants of the same Alsina subsidiaries- a total of 33 worldwide- were recorded. The prize consists of handing over a € 1,000 check to contribute to a series of solidarity causes that had been previously chosen on the Teaming platform.


And the winners are…

At an individual level, the winner was a collaborator of Alsina Alicante with 3,069 km, in the second place, a member of the Alsina India team with a total of 2,058 km and the third place was for a teammate of Alsina Poland with 2,012 km. All individual winners have been awarded a physical activity bracelet.


At a collective level the winning team was Alsina Zaragoza with 11,178 km; in the second place, the team of Alsina Madrid with a total of 11,459 km  and the third position was achieved by a teammate of Alsina Polonia with 11,114 km.



How do we make the prize reach the solidarity causes?


The 3 Alsina delegations that have achieved more solidarity steps have chosen the recipients of the prize and, our partner Teaming, will make this help reach the causes chosen by the winners:


  1. Alegría Sin Fronteras (Joy Without Borders)
  2. Acnur (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -UNHCR)
  3. Centro del Cáncer Pediátrico en Barcelona (Barcelona Pediatric Cancer Center)
  4. Lucha contra los huesos de cristal (Fight against crystal bones)


In the photo, we can see Cristina Bonet, Director of Alsina People giving the solidarity check to Patricia Sánchez, director of Teaming.

Alsina wants to thank the enthusiasm of all the teammates who have participated in the solidarity challenge and to Teaming for helping us make sure that the aid from this solidarity challenge will be properly received by the chosen organizations.

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