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Alsina collaborates in the III Congress of Structures Consultants – ACE


Between April 3rd and 5th, the Third ACE Congress – Structures Consultants was held in Barcelona, with the participation of Alsina as sponsor and technical speaker in this leading event for formwork structures consultants.


The III Congress of Structures

The congress has taken into consideration two very important aspects for the ACE, on one hand, the technical aspect of the structures, especially in the construction field, and on the other hand, the area of the profession that works on the design and the work management of the structural projects.

One hundred and eighty professionals enrolled in the Congress, with a broad program, formed by 8 conferences, 46 oral presentations and three round tables to debate technical, legal and professional matters related to structural consulting.


ACE and the structures consultant

Since the fellow members founded the ACE, the association has had the goal of dignifying the “structures consultant” profession, and this congress highlights its importance.

Formwork structures consultancy involves a high technical level that requires ongoing update, as well as the professional acknowledgment in the construction sector for its contribution as a key part of structural design.


Alsina, sponsor and speaker of the Congress

Alsina Group, patron partner of ACE, has collaborated in the congress as mail sponsor of the event. In addition, a representation of Alsina’s technical team gave a presentation last Friday, April 5, entitled “Shoring Study: an obligation and a need”

In the first part, the presentation addresses the current breach of the EHE-08 Structural Formwork Instruction, which sets forth that a Detailed Shoring Study must be incorporated in the Project when the slabs weigh more than 5 kN/m² or the height of the struts is over  3.5 m, and the EHE-08 Application Guide sets forth the calculation criteria for their pre-dimensioning.

So far, there have already been some judicial decisions against; in general, the current building projects do not include this Study, except when they are projects with very complex structures, and they do not include the construction process of the structure, the determination of which is entrusted to the work developer. On the other hand, no standard details the specific content this Study must include.

The purpose of the presentation is to promote compliance with the rule, proposing the content we consider the Study should include and its division in two parts. A Project Phase Study and an Execution Phase, since when the Project is laid down many factors are unknown (developer, formwork team, etc.).

Value is placed on the need to control all the parameters for the calculation and constructive process of each work, particularly the assembling and stripping criteria, as well as the control of the loads transmission between slabs and strut, in an evolving construction process of high-rise floors.

Secondly, attention is given to the change that is taking place in the slabs currently designed, evolving from voided slabs with reduced thickness and weight to thicker and heavier solid slabs. With the same design load as always, we are making heavier slabs, thus making the current constructive process of critical importance.

In order to be able to adequately justify the calculation and adapt to the current construction times, it is essential to change the calculation criteria of the structure resistance we are using today. To assess them correctly, you can count on Alsina technical service without having to make costly and complex calculations.

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