Jaume Alsina Casalduero -hereinafter Jaume Jr.- has been officially named CEO of the Company in the last meeting of the Board. As from now, Jaume Jr. will be responsible for leading the strategies tending to reach Alsina’s goal in a future that is expected to be very demanding, but is seen with optimism within the company and the owner family.
At 46 years of age, and after 19 years of experience in Alsina, Jaume Jr. is one of the members of the third generation of the family at the service of the company, where he has held positions of responsibility in various departments, being the international business area the focus of his efforts throughout these years, given the strategic importance it has had for the company. With the Alsina brand placed in a very competitive position within the international landscape, the next great goal of the Group is to turn Alsina into a “GLO-CAL”company, i.e., a global company that thinks locally. This is translated into being a company that benefits from the knowledge base, economies of scale, synergies and experience that are inherent to a global company, adapting to the reality and the culture of each country and its clients in order to offer a SERVICE tailored to suit the needs at logistic, commercial, product and engineering support level in each of these territories.
After his designation as new CEO, Jaume Jr. has set himself the challenge of turning Alsina into the “best” formwork company in the world (not the largest), supported on four basic pillars:
- Excellent products and solutions that stem from our innovative curiosity and our restless search for continuous improvement.
- The client placed in the center to offer the best service that adapts to its needs.
- The SOUL of the people who make up Alsina.
- The firm commitment to sustainable development as a company at all levels that are set forth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by the UN and which guide us to the 2030 horizon.
All this will be possible thanks to the talent of an engaged TEAM, which is identified with the company that deeply respects all the people and institutions that orbit around it.