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Valenzuela wastewater treatment plant

Water Treatment
WE accumulate experience of more than 500 water infrastructures projects worldwide.

Alsina’s Formwork delegation in in the Philippines participated in the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of the city of Valenzuela, in the Philippines.

This project water infrastructure, which is currently underway and will provide drinking water to the entire city of Valenzuela, involves the construction of a large circular radial walls watertight tank with three stories and good finish on the walls and joints.

Alsina: versatile and profitable solutions for the construction of water infrastructures

For the implementation of the project Alsina has supplied its Alisply Walls and Alisply Circular Walls formwork systems, as well as its C-160 Climbing system, with no need to design any customized element due to the versatility of these formwork systems.

Alisply Walls modular formwork system is a resistant, versatile and compatible system regarding its accessories with each of Alisly’s family systems, which makes the equipment use very profitable on the jobsite. The Alisply’s formwork system surface is phenolic, so it offers multiple advantages over metallic surfaces, such as lower weight, higher quality of concrete, increased performance and greater resistance to inclement weather.

On the other hand, Alisply Circular Walls is a recoverable modular formwork system for circular fair-faced concrete walls. This is a fast and profitable system to be handled with a crane and consisting of a galvanized steel frame and phenolic resin-coated plywood surface. Its modules come preassembled from the workshop and only the radius has to be defined on site. In order to do this, the panel includes all the necessary components and no special tool is required to curve the phenolic plywood.

Finally, Alsina’s C-160 Climbing system allows piles and walls of climbing cycles with pouring heights of up to 4 meters, to be formed with total safety for the operators. The assembly of the climbing platform and its safety platform can be carried out on the ground, before positioning it on the wall or pile, or by placing the platforms in the anchorage rings and assembling the platform later. It can be set using either Alisply (straight and radius walls) or Vistaform and Multiform formwork systems, making it a very versatile but also safe system.

Project Details
Valenzuela, Philippines
Water Treatment
Alisply Walls, Alisply Circular, C-160 Climbing System


System konsoli C-160
System szalowania ścian okrągłych Alisply
Alisply ściany


Clear Filters
Waste Treatment Plant
Waste Treatment Plant

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(+48) 519 517 150

Pl. Kilinskiego 1
Chelmek 32-660


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