The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Size Companies (Confederación Española de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa -CEPYME) has launched an ambitious project that aims to identify, select and promote a group of 500 companies that currently lead business growth. The project takes into consideration the results obtained by such companies in recent years, and also their ability to generate activity and employment, as well as their innovation potential and international projection.
In this context, J. Alsina Formwork SA has been chosen to be part of CEPYME500 and will be integrated into a select group of companies that are leaders in business growth in Spain.
Alsina has fulfilled a series of requirements in terms of turnover, sustained growth, size and profitability – according to the public access data that we have – and that we have meticulously assessed in order to be among the 500 leading companies.
The CEPYME500 companies are at present participating in a printed annual publication, a sort of a reference guide, which will be presented in October to the media and where they can visualize and analyze the main data about these companies, a brief history of their origins, interviews with their managers, main achievements and future projects