The Alsina Formwork group is now a new partner of the Spanish Technological Construction Platform.
The CETP was created in 2004 inspired on the newly created ECTP, European Construction Technology Platform, and was set up as a Foundation in 2010. Its main objective is to contribute to the improvement of the construction sector through public-private cooperation in research, development and innovation, carried out through the collaboration between companies, business associations, universities, research centers, technology centers and customers. For this, the PTEC bases its strategy on four main axes: the internationalization of R + D + i in its members, the promotion of innovation, the improvement of the image of the sector through R + D + I as well as the increase of the number of its members and the improvement of the service to them.
Since Alsina shares the same values, the company has decided to become a member of the PTEC and thus being a part of this cooperative union with the intention of contributing with our knowledge, innovation and know-how to the improvement of the sector to which we keep dedicating our efforts for so many years.