AF10K is a lightweight shoring system formed by independent towers that are easy to assemble and consist of ladder-shaped steel frames, offering an excellent working load and a safe and fully manual assembly process, in addition to a great height range thanks to the length of the jack posts.
What kind of prop is best for your slabs? Let’s analyze this together!
- Quick assembly. The reduced number of tower elements and their easy and intuitive hammer-free assembly make it quick to install.
- Safe assembly. With its ladder-shaped frame design, the system incorporates access elements in accordance with the requirements of US OSHA regulations.
- Load capacity of 45 kN per leg, which is exceeded in certain configurations.
- Great height range of up to a total of 120 cm between the upper and lower jacks.
- Fully compatible with roofing systems consisting of timber primary beams (e.g., HT-20 beams), aluminum beams, and double-U beams of the Multiform system.
- Completely galvanized material, guaranteeing permanent protection against corrosion.
- Alsina’s AF10K system was designed to ensure perfect compatibility between systems, making it perfectly suited
for roofing systems with HT20 beams, aluminum beams, or double-U beams.